I have signed the Forests Pledge, launched by Dr Sophie Scamps on 13 November 2023 in Canberra, because I want to see our public native forests across Australia protected.
Logging of public native forests is destructive, heavily subsidised by the taxpayer and a key threat to the future of our treasured national icon, the koala.
The Forests Pledge calls on State and Federal governments to end native forest logging. So far, it’s been signed by 22 Federal MPs, 16 state MPs, six former politicians (including former ministers from both sides), as well as 38 NGOs, 33 scientists and academics.
Everyday Australians rightly expect their governments to listen to the community and take the necessary steps to conserve the places and native animals that make our country so special.
As a member of the NSW Legislative Assembly, protecting koalas and their forest homes is an important policy priority for me. This is not a rural/ regional issue, this is a Statewide and National issue. From the city’s to the regions… this is critical!
State governments hold direct decision-making powers that will determine the future of our public native forests. This is public land, being managed by publicly owned corporations. The NSW Government can and must do more.
I am pleased to have the support of several of my independent crossbench colleagues who have also signed onto the Forests Pledge.
I welcome the NSW Government’s historic commitment to the Great Koala National Park and look forward to seeing it established as a matter of urgency.
I continue to call on the NSW government to follow Western Australia and Victoria by committing to ending logging of our public native forests.
I want the people of NSW and future generations, to enjoy the many benefits of protecting and restoring our native public forests - for koalas and other endangered species as well as healthy ecosystems, for carbon storage, for recreation and tourism and for good economic management.
NSW must transition to a sustainable plantation-based sector. This will support jobs in regional NSW and ensure the timber products we all rely on can be produced sustainably.
The Forests Pledge
We stand before the Australian community with a heartfelt plea to urgently end industrial logging of native forests across Australia. Half of Australia’s forests have been lost.
Australia can become a world leader in protecting and restoring forests to protect wildlife, store carbon and adapt to climate change. Ending native forest logging would also help us meet our climate and nature commitments under the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework.
With generous support for timber workers and a well-managed transition, we could grow regional economies with a sustainable timber industry and support tourism businesses.
Taxpayer subsidies to government logging agencies must end. Major investment is needed to expand sustainable plantations to secure future supply of timber.
We must listen to and learn from First Nations Australians, whose deep knowledge is critical to successfully restoring and protecting our native forests.
We – the undersigned – pledge to do everything in our power to pressure local, state and federal governments to end the destructive and loss-making logging of our precious native forests.
To further information and to show your support, please visit: www.theforestpledge.com.au
Kind regards,
Michael Regan MP
Independent Member for Wakehurst