I am pleased to announce the successful recipients of Wakehurst’s Community Building Partnership Grants. I am so proud of these amazing community groups and am thrilled to see them get a helping hand in their worthwhile endeavours.
- NSW Rural Fire Service - Beacon Hill Brigade to upgrade laundry facilities for all firefighters.
- NSW Rural Fire Service - Belrose Brigade for bathroom renovations and new carpet.
- Forest Baseball Softball Club for four semi-permanent batting cages and the repair of existing nets.
- Forestville and Killarney Girl Guides for new bathroom vanities.
- Manly Warringah Football Association for upgraded bench seating and shelters at Cromer Park and portable goals for junior girls’ matches.
- Manly Warringah Women's Resource Centre for upgrades to the Women and Children First refuge.
- Manly Warringah District Baseball for repairs of the baseball tunnel and home ground extensions.
- Life Education for upgrades to Healthy Harold’s Mobile Learning Centre.
- Early Education for new sheds at Forestville Memorial Hall’s playground and bookshelves in the Forest Room.
- Northern Beaches Police Citizens Youth Club for refurbishment of two sport floors and improved waste facilities.
- Brookvale Children’s Centre to undertake electrification upgrades.
- Lighthouse Community Cafe to upgrade their equipment.
- Streetworks Australia will purchase a vehicle to escort youth between various mental health, well-being, education and support services.