There are many funding opportunities for community, sporting and cultural groups available through the NSW government.
Non-profit organisations and businesses also provide grants for projects, including those which promote sporting and cultural involvement, enhance the environment, address social disadvantage or health issues, encourage business growth, or are in other ways beneficial to the community.
This website provides regular updates on some of these grant and funding programs.
I will also host an annual workshop which assists people in preparing and writing applications for grants. It’s ideal for those people on the committees of sporting, cultural and community groups who are unsure about how to do things, or know what funding opportunities are available.
If you’re interested in attending the workshop, please contact my office on 9981-1111 and we’ll let you know when the next one is running.
In the meantime, you can find useful information on the following government websites.
NSW Department websites
• Sport and Recreation
• Education and Communities
• Seniors
• Youth
• Arts
• ClubsNSW
• Education
• Multicultural
• Environmental