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NSW Government Services

If you are looking for information about government departments and services, the NSW Government Directory is a good place to start.

You can use the search function to find the department, agency or information you need.

• NSW Government Directory

For information about the NSW Parliament, including speeches, debates and Bills.

• NSW Parliament

To contact or lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman

• NSW Ombudsman
• Energy and Water Ombudsman 

Departmental websites

• Attorney General and Justice
• Education and Communities
• Family and Community Services
• Service NSW / RMS
• Health
• Premier and Cabinet
• Treasury
• Trade and Investment
• Transport

Other useful government sites

• Births, Deaths and Marriages
• Youth affairs
• Emergency Services
• Housing
• Housing Appeals
• NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
• Fair Trading
• Community Services
• Aboriginal Affairs
• Health Care Complaints Commission
• Legal Aid
• Juvenile Justice
• Industrial relations
• Service NSW