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Retail Trading Amendment Bill (Anzac Day Trading Hours)

 I support the Retail Trading Amendment (Anzac Day Trading Hours) Bill 2024, which seeks to amend the Retail Trading Act 2008, and the member for Sydney's thoughtful amendment to it. In her second reading speech the Minister for Industrial Relations noted that the Government's bill seeks to address "the creeping commercialisation of Anzac Day" since the Act commenced. The Minister said that reinstating Anzac Day "as an all‑day restricted trading day" would ensure that it "remains a solemn day, reserved for observance and reflection". Although the bill would require non-exempt shops and banks to remain closed the whole day, the Minister noted the Act would retain all its existing exemptions to ensure that communities can still access essential services on the day.

Put simply, I do not believe gaming venues are essential services. Those venues can certainly afford for gaming rooms to be closed on Anzac Day. We know from publicly available information that the New South Wales clubs with the most poker machines are making supernormal profits. I support the member for Sydney's amendment for one day of grace to honour our veterans and their families with a ceasefire on these one‑armed bandits. This is not a stunt; this is an opportunity. I accept what the Leader of the House said in that this is being brought up because the Government brought the bill forward. This is an opportunity for us to say, "This is the bill," and to take action and show some leadership on it. I support my RSL clubs, but I see this as an opportunity for them as well. If now is not the right time, then when is? There have been many times when this bill could have been brought forward, but there was an opportunity presented. So it is not a stunt; it is an opportunity. The Government has consulted with the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association [SDA], but has it consulted with the sub‑branches at any length? I have consulted with some of mine and they are happy with the amendment.

I urge the Government to pause and take on board what is being requested. The Government should ask the sub‑branches, as it has asked the SDA, and do the right thing. If the overwhelming response from the sub‑branches is no, and they are happy to have the poker machines, that is fine. I would still probably vote against the bill, but at least we would have asked them and heard from them. I think the Government would get a different reaction if it consulted the sub‑branches and not just with the SDA, because Anzac Day is about reflecting on and showing reverence for our highest ideals and values. I do not see playing the pokies as compatible with our Anzac spirit and what we seek to evoke on this important day in our community. Having spoken to family members and friends who are in the services, they agree with me. I ask the Government to pause and consult the sub‑branches, and then reintroduce this legislation.

13 August 2024, 20:22.


To read the full transcript of the Bill's reading, click here.

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Community Recognition Statement - Ellen Armfield

November 22, 2024

I recognise Ellen Armfield, a remarkable 19‑year‑old from Wakehurst. Ellen currently chairs the New South Wales Youth Advisory Council, which is an impressive achievement. As a lived experience storyteller with batyr and a member of its national youth advisory group, Ellen courageously shares her...

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