I welcome the NSW Government’s commitment to increase housing supply, targeting areas with major
transport infrastructure, with 8 priority high growth areas around transport hubs being identified across
the city. The Northern Beaches is not one of these areas, which is sensible strategic planning given our
transport infrastructure constraints.
I also support the intent of the separate reforms currently on exhibition to increase low-and mid-rise
development in residential zones, which will allow dual occupancies and more diverse medium density
housing. There is no question that many people want to downsize from big houses into either large
apartments, or something lacking here on the Beaches, terraces and villas. And not just downsizers, but
small families and executive couples, for example. So many people have approached me over the years
about wanting to have a duplex on their property to allow their kids an opportunity to remain in the area
or to look after their folks in retirement.
In my dealings with the Planning Minister and the Premier, it is clear they understand the infrastructure
constraints on the Northern Beaches, which impact the amount of growth that can be accommodated.
Equally they have been open with all Councils that this is a consultation, and that Councils that meet or
exceed the intent will be exempt from any SEPP. The critical piece here is the desire to work with the local
councils to ensure they are not fudging their responsibility in delivering housing choice for their LGA. So
when 80% of Councils don’t allow dual occupancy, or terraces and the like, the government has identified
this as an issue and decided to step in.
I will continue to work with the Planning Minister, as well as Northern Beaches Council and my fellow
Councillors, to deliver more diverse and affordable housing options in strategic locations, consistent with
the Northern Beaches Local Housing Strategy.
I don’t support the blanket application of density changes by the NSW Government which do not take into
account the fundamental infrastructure constraints of the Northern Beaches, or other parts of Sydney for
that matter.
With the Beaches Link Tunnel cancelled the capacity for Northern Beaches to increase housing is limited.
That meant that the 6000 dwellings planned for around the Hospital is now 2000. Equally, the Town
Centre of Brookvale is capped at around 1300 dwellings until the intersection outside Office Works is
upgraded. Any increase in population must come with detailed infrastructure planning to accommodate
I have a successful track record of working with the Governments of the day and am working hard to get
the best outcome for the Northern Beaches.
These are significant and important reforms that will deliver more diverse housing for all generations
across the state and critically here on the Beaches. The current proposal on exhibition is not without risks
and together with Northern Beaches Council, I am engaging rigorously to negotiate a more strategic
To date, my conversations with the Government have been positive. I encourage the community to
participate in the consultation on the proposed reforms, including looking out for updates from Northern
Beaches Council.